Thai Yoga Massage Class Prayer Translation
I was so delighted when I received the news letter some time back from THAI (Thai Healing Alliance) and found a more clear translation of the prayer, which we chant every day in every class. As we know that the prayer is in Pali language, which was contemporary to Sanskrit has some Thai language mixed and the pronunciation varied from region to region.
The meaning of many words in the prayer was translated and you can find some of them below
Ahang (Aham) – I, me, my
Arahato – an arhat, a worthy one
Aroga (arogya) to be free from disease
Chandang (jantan, candam) – moon
Piyo tewa – priya dewa
Dibba (tipa/divya) – divine
Dibbamantang (tipa mantang / divya mantra)- divine chanting
Homi – to me, for me
Karuniko ( Karunisu ) – compassion, one who has compassion , bless us
Komarabhacco (Gomalapato) – Jivaka’s second name kru (Guru) (khru) (Thai) teacher
Manusanang ( manukula ) – the human race
Naa (nakha) naga – a deity that takes the shape of a great serpent
Namo – homage
Osadha (osatha / aushada) – medicine
Pabhaso (pabaso, papaso / prakasha) luminous, to give light
Pakasesi (prakashisi) – to shine
Pandito (bantito )- pandit, or wise man
Piyinsiang (pininsiang) – one who has clarity of the senses and control of their faculties
Piyo (priya) – beloved
Proma – Thai pronunciation for Brahma, of the Indian pantheon
Putaya – Thai pronunciation of Buddhaya or Buddhaaya, which means Buddha
Sapasatanang (sabbasattanam) – all sentient beings
Sirasa (silasa) – The correct meaning of sirasa is “head”
Sumana – healthy, happy
Sumedhaso (sumetasso / medhavi) – intelligent, wise, accomplished
Supananang – heavenly beings
Suriya – sun
Vandami (wantami / vandane) to pay respect
So, the prayer after translation would look like below
I pay homage by bowing my head to Jivaka. With compassion for all beings, he has brought us divine medicine. Kumara bhacha shines as brightly as the sun and the moon. I pay respect to the great pandit, to the wise one. May there be happiness and freedom from illness. I revere the one who is adored by deities, by humans, and by Brahma; the one who is adored by nagas and by heavenly beings; the one who is of pure faculties. May all illness and disease be healed.
I thank Mr. Bob Haddad for sharing the translation of the prayer.