Best Thai Massage Therapy Courses You Should Be Learning
Health is the greatest gift and contentment is the greatest wealth. A massage touches the body, calms the mind and heals the soul. It magically rejuvenates an exhausted body and revitalizes a drained soul.
To be a Thai Yoga Massage Teacher is the rarest of arts. Great therapists do not heal by chance, but by exact knowledge.
Thai Massage Therapy
Thai Massage is an ancient form of healing that is more than 2 millennia old. The massage technique is a blend of various Asian medicinal traditions. It is a set of healing methods that has its origins in Yoga and Acupressure, blending the best of these ancient sciences into one immensely powerful healing system.
Thai Yoga Massage, or Nuad Boran (Ancient Massage) as it is known in Thai, is a combination of assisted Yoga, Acupressure, Reflexology and Physiotherapy like movements. It involves the systematic massaging, stretching and positioning of the body parts in different Yoga Asanas. It uses the whole body to heal the whole body. Thai Yoga Massage helps in relieving stress and promoting convalescence in case of injuries and certain ailments. It also foments general wellness.
Thai massage technique, at its core, works to align the Sen lines in the body. A Sen line, according to traditional Thai medicine, is a path in the body through which energy flows. The Sen lines are in charge of maintaining the harmony within the body. Improper alignment of the Sen lines causes the disruption of the energy flow in the body. This results in physical disorder and pain. A Thai massage practitioner realigns the Sen lines, thus easing discomforts and rejuvenating the body.
Thai massage therapy relaxes the muscles, increases flexibility, improves joint motions and blood circulation and contributes to overall mental relaxation. Thai Yoga Massage relieves stress and anxiety. It unblocks energy flows and re-energizes the body. It improves focus and concentration and boosts the body’s immunity.
IMOSHA’s Thai Massage Courses
IMOSHA is a world-renowned school of Thai Yoga Massage that teaches the ancient healing arts of Toksen, Japsen, Guasa, Singing Bowls, Reiki, and Foot Reflexology. IMOSHA is the only school with ISO 9001 2015 certification.
At IMOSHA, we offer Basic and Intermediate Thai Yoga Massage Therapy courses as well as Advanced Level courses. We also offer a Thai Yoga Massage Teacher Training Course.
Basic & Intermediate Thai Yoga Massage
IMOSHA’s Basic & Intermediate courses will enable you to work in supine, side, seated and prone positions. You will be introduced to the concept of energy lines (SEN) and acupressure points. You also learn the body dynamics and their usage to perform high-quality bodywork. On completion of the course, you will be able to deliver 60-120 min of bodywork for relaxation with ease.
Thai Yoga Massage Advanced Level
This course focuses on the therapeutic aspects of Thai Yoga Massage. You will learn the ancient system of massage called TOKSEN (working with wooden wedge and mallet on energy lines of the body) along with the pressure points to relieve back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain etc. You will learn about the advanced energy lines (SEN) and the ailments associated with the disruption of these lines using yet another modality of bodywork known as JAPSEN. On completion of the course, you will be able to deliver therapeutic 60-120 min of bodywork effortlessly.